Dear Pet Lover,
We are your veterinarian
and animal hospital!
How do we know we are the right veterinarian for you? Because you are out searching the net for a vet, here in Kingman, to care for your pet which makes you our kind of pet owner! Sick pet? No problem. Need vaccinations? We’ve got that. Surgery in your pet’s future? We can handle that too. We are always up for a joyful tail wag and a bark or purr of approval. Knowing your pet is happy and healthy just feels good, doesn’t it?
Look below to see three reasons why we are YOUR OTHER FAMILY DOCTOR.
– Dr Kristen Andrews
Call us now @ (928) 757-7979
New clients are always welcome!

Dr Kristen Andrews, primary veterinarian of Stockton Hill Animal Hospital and her pug, Chubbs.